My Most Anticipated Movies of 2018

muteOnto the new year then! Always one of my favourite pieces to write each year is my ‘most anticipated movies’ list, it’s great to highlight films to look forward to and then of course, to later compare it to my eventual top 10 list. I think last year I had just three film appear in both lists, but one was the number one on each and I don’t thank any of them turned out to be big disappointments, so maybe I’m getting a bit better at this? Anyhow, one problem with making such a list at the beginning of the year is that inevitably some films will get delayed and not meet their expected original release date. As such, I must begin this piece by mentioning Duncan Jones’ Mute (above pic) and Alex Garland’s Annihilation, two promising sci-fi movies from up-and-coming directors that both made my list last year but failed to see release. Now they’re both expected to arrive on Netflix sometime early this year and I’m still eagerly anticipating both. I’m also not counting here any of the awards-type movies that are coming out over the next few months internationally but are already out in the US, or, what is probably the film I’m most excited to see right now honestly; Paddington 2 (due out here first week of February!) Just missing out here was Damien Chazelle’s Neil Armstrong biopic First Man, onto the list proper;

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