‘Justice League’ Review

Justice-League(Hey so I haven’t written on here in months, I’ll post an explanation a bit later but here’s my first review in some time)

There’s a school of thought that suggests that when reviewing a film, one shouldn’t need to reference anything about the production or background and just analyse what’s there on the screen. I get that, and while I don’t abide by it myself, even if I did there would have to be some exceptions; Warner Bros/DC Comic’s long-awaited Justice league, is such an exception. Continue reading

‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Review

Avengers-Age-of-UltronThe Avengers was the moment where Marvel Studios truly hit the big time. As I mentioned in my Daredevil article, a year prior to that I wasn’t too excited about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, their most recent effort Iron Man 2 hadn’t been up to much and I couldn’t care less about Captain America or Thor as comics characters. Their beyond-solid respective début movies changed all that though and everything came together wonderfully in the first Avengers movie. That film’s deserved giant success paved the way for Marvel to make bigger and bigger movies in their ‘Phase 2’ plan (an additional sequel for Iron Man, Cap and Thor plus the delightful Guardians of the Galaxy). If Avengers 2 could bring all the disparate elements and characters of the MCU coherently together once again, we might have something really special on our hands. Continue reading